Monday, March 19, 2012

Chair Challenge: Popularity and Facebook Friendships

“Why are you so upset about me deleting my Facebook page anyway?”

“It just doesn’t make any sense to me!  You’re crazy!  What’s the point? 

Prince Comic Arm Chair; Imagine Living

Why do we sometimes feel so attached to our contacts on a social networking level? Do we feel that having 800 Facebook friends somehow makes us more desireable? Does being tagged in 30 new embarrasing photos per week prove that we are living a meaningful life?

Sometimes, I think Facebook has taken away our ability to have genuine social interaction. The same with email, twitter, and texting.  It’s much easier to sit in front of a computer screen than it is to get in front of a crowd of 800 people to give a speech. It’s much easier to watch from the comfort of your home than it is to get dressed up and physically walk into a room and shake someone’s hand.

It’s much easier to feel part of something, when you can do it in your pajamas.

It’s much easier to gain your 15 minutes from the privacy of your own home.

But is it better?
Is it healthier?
Is it right?

“I guess I’m a little jealous” I replied.  “Actually, I tried to delete my account last week and couldn’t do it.”

“Deleting your account isn’t crazy……Not being able to is,” he stated.

“I guess I was afraid no one would notice…..”

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