Meet The Chair

My mother keeps telling me that I need to explain how this blog works. How to read it, and how the rooms or pictures correspond with each story that I am trying to tell.

I keep telling her to stop giving me unsolicited advice, however valuable it may be. I mean, why should I have to explain myself?  If you get it, you get it, if you don't then you don't.  I'm not a writer by any means, and most of the time, when I personally visit interior design blogs, I just scroll through the type to look at the pictures.

I am a bloggers worst nightmare! I am my own worst nightmare!

I just assumed that there were some people would actually read what I write (aka, my family) and others would just look through he pictures and move onto the next.

But hey, she is my mother, so I will explain it for her. Not to mention this is way cheaper than a birthday present........

Most of the time, I write about life, my experiences, my opinions about things, and the way I perceive them. 

The pictures and/or "story-boards" as I like to call them either directly or indirectly parallel the story that I am writing about. Art imitating Life, In chair form. 

Sometimes I give design advice, because I'm good at that too. At least I think I am.

Other times I just post things I like, with no story or underlying meaning. I just simply find them inspiring. 

As my reader, it is your choice to read the content or just scroll though the pictures. Or take them both in as a collective work.

You may agree with the things I have to say, Or like the products/ photos/ chairs that I share.  Or you may disagree with me completely. I myself often wonder what business I have to continue on with this adventure. I am fairly young, had a quite sheltered childhood, and I currently live like a hermit (squatting in my one bedroom apartment plotting my next move but never actually executing). Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say?

But that's none of my business, all I can do is share with you my story. How you choose to accept it...... That's for you to decide.