Meet the Girl

My name is Nikki,

A 20 something with a lot to say about a lot of things.

I am a chair enthusiast. I often say, “I’ve never met a chair I didn’t like.” And it's true, as long as I don't step foot in a Rent-A-Center.

I spent the last 12 years of my life trying to fit in, trying to be liked, to be attractive to the opposite sex. Do you know where it has gotten me?

Exactly here

me....trying too hard.

I spent the last 12 years thinking that I had to be who they wanted me to be. That I had to look a certain way, dress a certain way, that I should fix that unsightly overbite (but really thanks for that one).  I should get the best grades, have the nicest car, and never wear the same thing twice.

Then as I got older it became……. I should drink less, exercise more…….I should get up earlier, get a 9-5 job, find a man, an older man, from out of town. A man who doesn’t know the real you I guess. So you can fool him into thinking you are the perfect Step-ford…..Because that’s what he wants of course.

That’s what they all want. Right!?!?!

I spent the last 12 years wondering why I never really liked myself. Why nothing ever felt right.  Why I would look in the mirror and not recognize the person looking back at me.

I read somewhere that if you put all your energy into being the person you think people want you to be, trying to please everyone, one day someone will tell you they love you, people will tell you how great you are, someone will believe in you; but it won’t matter, you won’t believe them because you know deep down that you are not being your real self.  So even though it does feel nice, you can never accept their approval.

This is when it clicked for me. I realized that I was falsely representing myself to the world.  I vowed to stop.  I wouldn’t hide behind bad music and $200 highlights (not to mention I couldn’t afford them). I would do things that made me happy; no matter what anyone else thought I should or shouldn’t do.

Here, girl meets chair, is my first stop. I don't know who I am without Interior Design, so why not.

Art imitating life..........................In chair form.