Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yellow: Mixing Metaphors.

Yellow, the first of three primary colors. 

A two faced color. On one hand promoting happiness and joy.

 The other, representing cowardliness and deceit.

Mix it with blue; you get green; with red, orange.  Two totally different colors, two totally different feelings……Which do you choose?

Today I was jolted awake by a sign that brought me to a realization. I have once again become stagnant.  That same lurking feeling that led me to give up on New York City, has resurfaced. Questions about my life, career, feelings, and thoughts are flooding my brain. Waiting around for things to happen instead of making them happen for myself.  Standing at a crossroad, I must decide which path to choose.

Mix my life with blue and play it safe. Climb a corporate ladder, find a suitable mate. Live life the way it was planned for most. It works for most, it can work for me. Stay calm cool and collected. Don’t rock the boat, don’t make them stare.

Or I can choose to mix it with red. Take a risk. Live the way I used to be afraid to live. Do things that would cause green people to not only stare, but to look at me like I was crazy. Stir up the pot, and add a little cayenne pepper while no one is looking.

Deciding is not an easy task; cowardly as it may be, I will not take it lightly.  So for now I am glad to at least be happy while I figure it all out.

Sources to follow

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