Monday, October 24, 2011

Me Against New York City

On October 18 2010, I embarked on a rollercoaster of a year that changed the way I think forever.  Well, not so much a rollercoaster, more like the ride where you sit in a ball, get shot up 200 ft in the air, then fall directly back down where you started. 

On October 18 2010, I moved to New York City to live with my then boyfriend and pursue a lifelong passion in Interior Design.  It was a rocky year to say the least, and exactly nine months to the date, I packed up my belongings and headed back to where I started.

Only now I am much different.  I loved New York, the lights, the subway, the inconvenience of it all. It was magical.  Near the time when I was about to leave I remember standing by the subway stairs with two coworkers, looking at the buildings against the night sky and thinking to myself, I don’t really want to leave this place. But I knew I had to. I wasn’t ready.  I still have so much work to do before I tackle that city.  In that moment I was defeated.

But never fear, because I am on a rampage to get back to those subway stairs.  To regain my courage, to follow the path I know I was meant to be on since I was a child, and to find myself in the process.

Let’s see how things go because, this time, there is no turning back.

October 1, 2012 is my deadline.  

Photo taken with I-phone just days before leaving

Update: I have been informed that October 1, 2010 has already passed. My Bad

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