Monday, October 10, 2011

Girl Meets Chair; Not your Average Love Story

The chair that changed my life.

 I don’t know any better way to describe my interaction with a piece of furniture.   It was made completely from corrugated cardboard glued together 157 times over. It was a box cutters worst nightmare, and my greatest joy.   I hope my partner Carmen would agree that it was a collaboration of two creative minds coming together, working together, to create something that was more than just a class assignment. This chair was something that we were both proud of, we didn’t care if others liked it or not because WE liked it, and to us, that was all that mattered.

Though, of course, it did matter to us that the instructor liked it; our grade depended on that. When asked what our concept was, in all honesty……we had no idea, so we just made something up. How could we explain that the chair was birthed in a split second when I looked at Carmen and said “We should make a rocking chair. I bet no one else in the class will do that!”  You can’t grade a design student on something like that.  Looking back, I see the concept was clear. This chair was about friendship, creativity, and collaboration. Carmen and I worked well together; we trusted each other, and we respected each other.

I don’t know if this chair had the same effect on Carmen that it did me, but either way I want to thank her for being a part of a time in my life that was really positive, a time that I can look back on and be truly proud of.

It's not perfect....But that's not the point

Here’s to chairs.

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